Monday, October 18, 2010

This is for week 2 challenge 3.

If you visited my town (Otorohanga) one of the must see places would be the kiwi house.

The Kiwi House is visited by heaps of people everyday to see the alive kiwi's.

Another must see place is the Waitomo Glowworms Caves.

People from every comes to see the glowworms glow.


  1. Two interesting places to visit Ryhanh. It would have been good if you put in a hyperlink to these attractions websites.

  2. Hi Ryhanh
    Both the Kiwi House and the Glowworm Cave are two of my favourite places in the world! I'm really glad you chose to post them! I'm looking to doing another kiwi watch in a couple of weeks to take some tourists into a kiwi enclosure at night. I'll try and get some photos and post them on our blog.
    :) Mrs R
